Economic Justice in Amos + Micah:
a 6 lesson curriculum
You can find the curriculum outline power point below.
Other than a basic introduction to the books of Amos and Micah, the curriculum covers a variety of salient topics. Each lesson begins with an engaging check-in question that allows the conversation to follow and allows the participants to connect with each other on a deeper level. The check-in is a time for fellowship and relationship building. After check in, there is a prayer, poem, or liturgy. This deovtion time is continued with an abbriviated version of lectio divina wherein particpants read aloud one chapter from either Amos or Micah. Participants then reflect on the reading. Some of the reflection questions included the following: What stood out to them? What caught your attention? What was confusing? Was there anything that was troubling or inspiring? After reflecting on the scripture together, the chapter is then put into conversation with another topic or artefact— from historic speeches and church documents to theological movements and notable figures. For example, we discussed Amos 5 in conjunction with MLK’s 1963 “I have a Dream” speech. At other points, we explored the Accra confession, liberation theology, Dorothy Day, and Deepa Iyer’s concept of the social change ecosystem map.